NBC Peacock

Transforming NBC Peacock's Content Pipeline


As Creative Director at Merkle, I led a project for NBC Peacock, developing a cutting-edge content management system (CMS) and design system to address their marketing team's content bottleneck. The new CMS featured an intuitive interface and robust search capabilities, while the design system ensured brand consistency. This solution reduced asset search time by 45%, increased content production by 25%, and improved team satisfaction by 35%. We also achieved a 30% reduction in redundant asset creation and decreased campaign time-to-market by 20%. The project ultimately empowered content creators, streamlined production, and fueled the Peacock brand's success.



Brand Assets
Brand Style Guide
NBC Peacock


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NBC Peacock

Transforming NBC Peacock's Content Pipeline


As Creative Director at Merkle, I led a project for NBC Peacock, developing a cutting-edge content management system (CMS) and design system to address their marketing team's content bottleneck. The new CMS featured an intuitive interface and robust search capabilities, while the design system ensured brand consistency. This solution reduced asset search time by 45%, increased content production by 25%, and improved team satisfaction by 35%. We also achieved a 30% reduction in redundant asset creation and decreased campaign time-to-market by 20%. The project ultimately empowered content creators, streamlined production, and fueled the Peacock brand's success.




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NBC Peacock

Transforming NBC Peacock's Content Pipeline


As Creative Director at Merkle, I led a project for NBC Peacock, developing a cutting-edge content management system (CMS) and design system to address their marketing team's content bottleneck. The new CMS featured an intuitive interface and robust search capabilities, while the design system ensured brand consistency. This solution reduced asset search time by 45%, increased content production by 25%, and improved team satisfaction by 35%. We also achieved a 30% reduction in redundant asset creation and decreased campaign time-to-market by 20%. The project ultimately empowered content creators, streamlined production, and fueled the Peacock brand's success.




No items found.
NBC Peacock

Transforming NBC Peacock's Content Pipeline


As Creative Director at Merkle, I led a project for NBC Peacock, developing a cutting-edge content management system (CMS) and design system to address their marketing team's content bottleneck. The new CMS featured an intuitive interface and robust search capabilities, while the design system ensured brand consistency. This solution reduced asset search time by 45%, increased content production by 25%, and improved team satisfaction by 35%. We also achieved a 30% reduction in redundant asset creation and decreased campaign time-to-market by 20%. The project ultimately empowered content creators, streamlined production, and fueled the Peacock brand's success.

NBC Peacock
No items found.
NBC Peacock

Transforming NBC Peacock's Content Pipeline


As Creative Director at Merkle, I led a project for NBC Peacock, developing a cutting-edge content management system (CMS) and design system to address their marketing team's content bottleneck. The new CMS featured an intuitive interface and robust search capabilities, while the design system ensured brand consistency. This solution reduced asset search time by 45%, increased content production by 25%, and improved team satisfaction by 35%. We also achieved a 30% reduction in redundant asset creation and decreased campaign time-to-market by 20%. The project ultimately empowered content creators, streamlined production, and fueled the Peacock brand's success.



NBC Peacock
No items found.
NBC Peacock

Transforming NBC Peacock's Content Pipeline


As Creative Director at Merkle, I led a project for NBC Peacock, developing a cutting-edge content management system (CMS) and design system to address their marketing team's content bottleneck. The new CMS featured an intuitive interface and robust search capabilities, while the design system ensured brand consistency. This solution reduced asset search time by 45%, increased content production by 25%, and improved team satisfaction by 35%. We also achieved a 30% reduction in redundant asset creation and decreased campaign time-to-market by 20%. The project ultimately empowered content creators, streamlined production, and fueled the Peacock brand's success.



NBC Peacock

Transforming NBC Peacock's Content Pipeline


As Creative Director at Merkle, I led a project for NBC Peacock, developing a cutting-edge content management system (CMS) and design system to address their marketing team's content bottleneck. The new CMS featured an intuitive interface and robust search capabilities, while the design system ensured brand consistency. This solution reduced asset search time by 45%, increased content production by 25%, and improved team satisfaction by 35%. We also achieved a 30% reduction in redundant asset creation and decreased campaign time-to-market by 20%. The project ultimately empowered content creators, streamlined production, and fueled the Peacock brand's success.


